Reception of Nursing Student from Overseas

Give Japanese education to overseas nurse and offer the acceptance in medical or nursing field. Because of the shortage of people and much burden with the increase of elderly people, it is considered that these special engaged people will be treated well when they apply for the right of permanent residence or extension of staying at Japan.

Reception of Nursing Student from Overseas Image

Sending institution

  • Cooperating with JINEA, send the nurse who is suitable for a requirement

Hospital, Welfare center

  • Give the support to nursing student when they get domestic license
  • Conclude an employment contract with nursing student
  • Conclude a management contract with JINEA

Nursing student

  • Get the nursing license in their school
  • Receive a Japanese education in Japanese language school and, pass the Japanese ability test 1grade
  • Get a nursing license in Japan, and conclude an employment contract with hospital or welfare center

Japanese language school

  • Give the Japanese education to nursing student


  • Conclude a management contract with hospital or welfare center
  • Cooperating with sending institution, send the nurse who is suitable for a requirement
  • Give the support against students and hospital or welfare center

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