Internship for International Student

As a part of education for students who learns at overseas university, we offer the teaching training in Japan. Overseas university and receiving enterprise in Japan make an agreement. It enables us to secure international human resource for many kind of business like hotel, nursing, care, which is not originally allowed in foreigners training system.

Internship for International Student Image


  • Make an agreement of internship with receiving enterprise
  • Cooperating with JINEA, send the students who are suitable for a requirement

Receiving enterprise

  • Make an agreement of internship with university
  • Conclude an employment contract with students
  • Conclude a management contract with JINEA


  • Conclude an employment contract with receiving enterprise


  • Conclude a management contract with receiving enterprise
  • Cooperating with JINEA, send the students who are suitable for a requirement
  • Give a support against the students and receiving enterprise

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